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Thank You to All Our Veterans, and First Responders.

This year in celebration of our veterans and first responders serving past and present, we would like to recognize our own Zach Oleitschuk P.Eng, Outbound Product Manager.


This year in celebration of our veterans and first responders serving past and present, we would like to recognize our very own Zach Oleitschuk P.Eng, Outbound Product Manager. 

Zach joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in August 2012 as an Aerospace Engineering Officer. He completed Basic Military Officer Qualification on Nov 2012 ranked 1st overall in his class and was awarded the Labrie Sword for excellence in academic achievement and leadership. After graduation, Zach was posted to 4 Wing in Cold Lake, Alberta, as a 2nd Lieutenant, assigned to Aerospace Engineering and Test Evaluation, where he was deployed as part of Operation Hammer to evaluate the capability of recently acquired air to surface 1000 lb bombs. Zach worked in support of the CF-18 Fighter group until his release in Sept 2013.

He has since re-enlisted as a reservist Naval Diver at HMCS Tecumseh in Calgary where he is awaiting Basic Diver Training. This year, Zach will be part of the Honour Guard for Remember Day Ceremonies in Calgary.

Thank you, Zach, for your service past and present.

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